
jueves, 11 de julio de 2019

Jo Anne Engelbert: Esteban Moore, translations


Upon the sudden calm
     of the water
the wind plays  ancient  arpeggios

Here is music
forbidden to the human voice

Spacious laments
that make the foliage quiver

of creaking branches
    and the rustle of dry leaves

Crescendo incessantly roving
the Pampa's limitless plain

Old Bill Explains a Poem

The poet says that when he went back to visit the lake

he'd known as a child  --he recalled the image

of the swans   --still elegantly swimming there--
from a new perspective

                                               he guessed their number
---at nine and fifty/ a mathematical operation
that did not pretend to be an exact count   --of the quantity of birds
who --in the clear green water  --were shaking
                                   their long
necks  --and flashing  --the color  --of their extended  wings   --toward
the heavy sky...

his sole concern
he says  --  was the music of the cipher-------------"the  rest just seemed irrelevant"

                                                                           W.B.Y. in memoriam

 The object in its natural state

                           “no ideas but in things"
                            William Carlos Williams

The old rails  - burnished by the friction of the wheels
of the speeding underground trains ----gleam in the dim light
that illumines  - the long tunnel
and within that straight glimmer  - of metal receding toward
the brightly lit next station -----------------
                                                              dwells the poem

                                                                to Jorge Rivelli

Jo Anne Engelbert  (Kentucky, 1933) is Professor  Emerita of  Latin American Literature at Montclair State University where she established  the Spanish Program in Translation and Interpretation.  She has translated short stories, poems and essays by forty  Latin American writers, including Isabel Allende, Luis Rafael Sánchez,  and Ariel Dorfman  Her work  Return of the River by Honduran poet Roberto Sosa won the National Translation Award in 2003 from the American Literary Translators Association. In addition to articles on translation pedagogy, she has published Macedonio Fernández and the Latin American New Novel (New York University Press, 1978) and Macedonio: Selected Writings in Translation (Latitude Press, Texas, 1984). She has taught  literature and translation  at universities in  Puerto Rico and Nicaragua. Since retirement she lives in St. Augustine, Florida  and has taught poetic translation at the University of Florida at Gainesville.   

Esteban Moore (Buenos Aires, 1952) Poet, essayist and translator.  His eight books of poetry are included in the collection Poems (1982 - 2007) (Córdoba, 2015). His essays are collected in the volume Versiones y apropiaciones (Córdoba, 2012).  His poetic translations from the English include the  poetry of Lawrence Ferlinghetti, La poesía como un arte insurgente (Córdoba, 2018).  In 1990 he was invited to The Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Naropa Institute, Boulder, Colorado, where he initiated a translation project, and to Vienna, where he taught poetry and translation at the Schüle fur Dichtung in Wien. In 2005 and 2010 he gave seminars  at the Escuela de Poesía de Medellín on the poetics of the Beats. In 2012 the University of Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela, awarded him the Alejo Zuloaga Order in poetry. He serves on the boards of the magazines Prometeo, published by the Medellín International Poetry Festival and Poesía, University of Carabobo, Venezuela.
He has won support grants and  the Poetry Prize from the Fondo Nacional de las Artes, a  public cultural institution run by the Argentine government.