
jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Novedad Editorial: Paul Hoover, Antología Poesía PostModerna EEUU.

Paul Hoover

Paul Hoover (Harrisonburg, Virginia, 1946). Poeta, ensayista, docente y editor. Sus ultimos libros de poemas publicados Sonnet 56 (Les Figues Press, 2009); Edge and Fold (Apogee Press, 2006); Poems in Spanish (Omnidawn, 2005); Winter (Mirror), (Flood Editions, 2002); Rehearsal in Black (Salt Publications, 2001); Totem and Shadow: New & Selected Poems (Talisman House, 1999); Viridian (The University of Georgia Press, 1997); and The Novel: A Poem (New Directions, 1990). Codirige junto a Maxine Chernoff la emblemática New American writing.